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Italian Ancestry Family Tree Genealogies
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- Arberesh families of Frascineto, Eianina and other villages in Calabria - Family history of some Arberesh (Italo Albanian) villages of Calabria. Surnames include: Blaiotta, Braile, Dicunta, Groppa, Ponzo, Re, Sanguinetti, Vicchio by Alicia Bodily with photos of the traditional dress and copies of documents (very inspiring site).
- Aeolian Island Genealogy, Sicilia- Isole Eolie = Aeolian Islands, Messina Province, Sicily) by Joe Russo. [--archived site--]
- Balbi Family - originating during the Renaissance in Genoa includes interesting history and photographs and has various family trees including the Silicani Family. Includes a Balbi Family DNA Project. Lovely site.
- Biella, Campodonico, Ferrari-Visca, Sutti Genealogy and more - by Roy and Carol Campodonico Ferrari.
- Barzio Como Italy Birth Records - 9076 entries maintained by Angie Harker
- Calitriani Connections - Surnames from the comune of Calitri, Avellino, Campagna with Italian Family Trees, History, Birth, Marriage, Death, Census Records & more maintained by Marlene Dunham.
- Conti family from Spoltore (Italy) to United States - by Giovanni Secchiati.
- Castelnuovo di Porto, RM, Lazio, Italy - Ancestors And Descendants of Castelnuovo di Porto, Italy genealogy research project maintained by Richard J. Falzini.
- Coniglio Family Website - Descendants of Gaetano and Rosa Alessi Coniglio. Great translation examples. If you are starting to view the Italian or Sicilian records for your your Italian Genealogy Reseach be sure to visit this site.
- Capecchi Family Homepage - from Florence, Italy to St Paul, Minnesota by Joe Capecchi.
- Caso & Di Pietro, De Luca, Minichiello & more - from Mirabella Eclano & Taurasi, Avellino by Assunta Caso. Good use of an html pedigree chart.
- Castelsilano, Crotone, Calabria - family stories, record extractions, photos and more by Cynthia Milan de Garcia.
- Collorafi / Colloraffi Family Heritage Genealogy Site - maintained by Janice Colloraffi Anschuetz.
- Comolli in Rete - cura di Fabrizio Comolli (History of the name, addresses and more in Italian).
- Criscuolo / Benvenuto Genealogy - Family Tree mostly from Venafro, but also has surnames from the towns of Cassino, Casalduni, Contrada, Napoli, and Naso (Sicily).
- Dario de Judicibus ancient Italian families - 1000 years of History and Heraldry of de Judicibus and Giliberti by Dr. Dario de Judicibus.
- Davini Genealogy - research by Enrico Davini, Italy.
- Denardo Family History - 5971 total entries maintained by Ron Denardo
- DePamphilis Family Home Page - Starting with Luigi DePamphilis from Bugnara (AQ), Abruzzo.
- Dieli Home Page - Italians, Sicilians and Jewish Sicily by Art Dieli.
- DiFuria / Cipriai & DiValerio / Taddeo Family Tree - from Fallascoso (CH) & Morro D'Oro (TE) Abruzzo.
- Faccetti / Fachetti Family Tree - History of Faccetti/Fachetti Families in USA/Italy started by Richard B. Fachetti (1930-1997)
- Fallascoso, Provincia di Chieti, Abruzzo, Italy - an overview of the comune with an email contact address for comments including requesting extracts from the year end indexes of the LDS microfilm records and some boat passenger lists.
- Falzini Family - of Contigliano Rieti, and Castelnuovo di Porto Lazio, Italy by Rich Falzini.
- Famiglia Ricciardi - Guardia, Lombardi and San Cipirello, Sicilia.
- Ferranti & Benotti Genealogy - from Centro, Italy to Weston, Massachusetts: 1911 to present. (see photo gallery for some scans of birth and Citizenship docs).
- Francone & Aliberti: Italian immigrants to Silver Plume Mine in Colorado - good, brief essay on the reasons for emigration from Italy, including the collapse of Messadria, rules of Primogeniture and more.
- Freilino Family Roots - from Asti, Piemonte, Italy by Karen Freilino also researching Barisone from Piemonte.
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effort is being made to avoid linking to commercial sites. This
page is a list of pages which are made by people who want to give examples and
stories of their Italian Genealogy Research & Italian Ancestor Discoveries
so that others may be inspired to go forward in their Italy Family Tree
Research. If you have a NON-commercial Italian Genealogy Site, which has
NO fee to enter or know of one that should go on this list.
Please send me the URL.
Distinti Saluti,
Marie Nigro
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